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and make notes of them, thus neglecting his own duties. He would get hold of something that was paid and make as it were "a mountain and of a mole-hill"

He was a clerk in Washington for a time and was discharged for this same evil propensity. While there I suppose he originated the idea of writing a book where the frauds (as he alleged) committed by certain officials, (in the War Department I think) as he was occupied for quite a length of time, during office hours, in writing and compiling facts, which where he had completed he presented to Genl. Gregory for his perusal and opinion as to another he should publish the matter, which was curtained in no life than five quires of letter paper.

General Gregory read a few pages and advised him not to publish if this occurred long before Mr. Hildreth made any complaint against General Gregory. I am acquainted with Mr. Hildreth more intimately I think than (OVER)