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belief as an honest man. "Honor or shame from no condition rise"  I have tried to "act well my part" but there seems to be little glory, but rather ignominy attached to it. Is it at all probable that a man who had laid himself liable to charges, would voluntarily attack others and open the door to investigation?

Why were no charges brought against me first?  Why was I tolerated in the Bureau and persistently kept in the most responcible position in it, if I was suspected of evil.

Why, when I endeavored at first to call your attention to the state of affairs existing was I treated with Silent contempt, and no answer vouchsafed? 

Why did Genl Gregory keep you in ignorance of important facts, and when asked by me if Genl Howard did not know them, why did he say "It is none of Genl Howard's Business"

Why - all along has the spirit of fair