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1. THEODORE WISEMAN, Agent Bureau R., R. and A. L.
2. MARY TAYLOR, Freedwoman

Vicksburg, Miss., March 3, 1868.
I. Before a Military Commission which convened at Vicksburg, Mississippi, January 23d, 1868, pursuant to Special Orders No. 11, dated Headquarters 4th Military District, Vicksburg, Mississippi, January 20, 1868, and of which Brevet Major General G. Pennypacker, Colonel 31th United States Infantry, is President, was arranged and tried:
1. Theodore Wiseman, Agent Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands.
Chage-Extortion in office.
Specification 1st- In this that he, Theodore Wiseman, agent of the Bureau for the relief of Freedmen and Refugees, being on duty as said agent at Hernando, in the county of De Soto, in the State of Mississippi, did nt or near Nernando, on or about the first day of November, in the year one thousand, eight hundred and sixty-seven, under color of his office as said agent, oppressively and unlawfully arrest and imprison, and cause to be arrested and imprisoned, one Horace Pope, a citizen of said State, and did thereby extort and unlawfully take from said Pope for the alleged use of one Hunt, a freedman, and did compel the said Pope to pay the sum of one hundred and twenty dollars, claimed to be due said Hunt from him, the said Pope, and the additional sum of ten dollars for his, Wiseman's. own use. as official costs which he, said Wiseman, and the further sum of five dollars as the falsely-pretended costs of one Greenwall, a pretended deputy, and an agent of his said Wiseman, in making said arrest.
Specification 2d- In this. that said Theodore Wiseman, agent of the Bureau for the relief of Freedman and Refugees, being on duty as such agent at Hernando, in De Soto county, State of Mississippi, did at or near said Hernando, on or about the first day of November, in the year one thousand, eight hundred and sixty-seven, under color of his office as said agent, unlawfully and oppressively arrest and imprison, and cause to be arrested and imprisoned, one Harkleroads, a citizen of said State, and did thereby extort and unlawfully take from said Harkleroads, and did compel said Harkleroads to pay the sum of ten dollars, as costs which he, said Wiseman, then and there falsely pretended to be due him as said agent, and the further sum of ten dollars as the falsely-pretended costs of one Greenwall, a pretended deputy and an agent of him, said Wiseman, in making said arrest.
Specification 3d- In this, that said Theodore Wiseman, agent of the Bureau for the relief of Freedmen and Refugees, being on duty as such agent or near Hernandom in the county of De Soto, State of Mississippi, did at or near said Hernandom on or about the first day of November, in the year one thousand, eight hundred and sixty-seven, under color of his office as such agent, unlawfully and op-