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Kingston February 10th 1868
Col James Biddle
Comdg Natchez Miss

Sir:- A few days before the election for Members to the Convention, I was called upon by H. P. Jacobs (Col'd), one of the Candidates, who informed me that he belonged to a company organized for the purpose of purchasing a body of land, not less than 4000 acres, for the purpose of Colonizing it with Freedmen- that the opinion was quite prevalent among them, that my land was, in location, and other respect, well adapted for that purpose, and his business was to ascertain it.  I would sell.  My reply was that I would.  He then enquired my price, which I could not give, in as much as at that time,I had no price fixed - but I informed him, that in a short time I would be in Natchez, and then give it to him.  I thought that his visit into the country was more for an electioneering purpose, than to purchase land, and that after the election I would hear no more about the land for a Colony.  I was however mistaken, for when I went to Natchez, and was about leaving, Jacobs called to me, and said that the Company had held a meeting since he had seen me, and had resolved to purchase 5000 acres instead of 4000, and wanted to know if I could furnish that amount, to which I replied, I could furnish 5, or 10,000.

He again asked my price, which I evaded giving, as I had given the matter no thought since the 1st interview.  He however persisted so earnestly, urging the importance of knowing, so as to be able to report to the Board, the terms upon which the land could be bought, until I told him that I would take $15 per acre for the 5000 acres.  A few days after, he, and some others representing themselves as being members of the land company, came to examine the land.  After doing so, he required me to give him a list of the lands composing the 10,000 acres, and