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and is better adapted for a colony, than any in this region of country.  It lays on the Homochitto river, and its tributaries.  It lays well, much of it being second bottom, or table land, and considerable of it very fine bottom, some of which, in very high freshets overflows, should the levees be broken.  They are however of short duration, and have never destroyed a crop for me.  It is well watered, and finely timbered.  Some portions are broken, but upon them, the timber is fine.

Either of the lots, adjoins a large body of public land, which is covered with the finest kind of Pine trees, suitable for saw logs, besides various other sorts of trees.  It is all connected except one tract of about 1100 on the west side of the main body, where about 4 miles intervenes, and another on the east containing about 4000 acres, where about 3 miles intervenes.

The titles to some of this land, has passed away from me, into the hands of members of my family.  I however have the control of it, and there will be no difficulty about titles.  There are no incumbrances upon it.  We are all desirous of disposing of our lands, thereby enabling us to curtail the quantity, and situate ourselves all-together, and in a more profitable and suitable manner.  I have been this particular in detail, in order that all the facts pertaining to this transaction, might be plain.  I find that since the matter has been talked of, that it has suggested to others the idea of selling, and that great opposition is set up against me, and undue charges made.

I have had no hand in originating this project.  It was matured by the negroes themselves before I was apprized of it.  They seem to be desirous of settling somewhere near Natchez, and having a thorough knowledge of all the country round about, they have given preference to this locality above all others.  And seem to be acting, upon the principle that they have the ability and capacity to carry the project through, provided they can get some 

Transcription Notes:
The Homochitto River is a river in the U.S. State of Mississippi. It flows from its source in southwest Mississippi for about 90 miles west and south, emptying into the Mississippi River between Natchez and Woodville.