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H. R. Pease, Superinten't Education, and the Revd. Mr. Bardwell Agent American Miss'y Society, in charge of schools, to which I desire to add a most emphatic denial to the charge that Lieut. Williams uses intoxicating liquors to such an extent as to interfere in the slightest degree with the performance of his duties, and further, I believe him to be the most valuable officer on duty under me in the Bureau Ref. Freed'n and Aban. Lands. I would also request that this statement or charge against Lieut. Williams should be referred to Gen'l Sewall, your Inspector, for his remarks.

2nd In reference to charge against Mr. Long, I beg leave to call your attention to the enclosed statement of Lieut. Gilbreath, 24th U.S. Inf't'y, late in command of the Post of Brookhaven, and Sub Ass't Com'r of that district. I have not sufficient personal knowledge of Mr. Long to form an opinion as to his habits, but I do know Lieut. Gilbreath intimately and know, that any statement that he makes in entitled to perfect confidence