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junior series, dated Headquarters 4th Military District, Vicksburg, Mississippi, December 5th, 1867, and of which Brevet Colonel N. A. M. DUDLEY, Major 24th U. S. Infantry, is President, were arraigned and tried. 

2. M. C. Johnson, civilian.


Specification——In this that, M. C. Johnson, a citizen of Hinds county, Mississippi, did on or about the 25th day of November, 1867, in said county, shoot and kill one Jourdian Morris, a freedman.

To the specification, "Not Guilty."
To the charge, "Not Guilty."

Of the specification, "Guilty."
Of the charge, "Not Guilty."
And the Commission does therefore acquit him, M. C. Johnson, citizen.

3. William Baker, citizen.

CHARGE.——Grand Larceny.

Specification——In this that he, the daid William Baker, citizen of Mississippi, did on or about the 6th day of November, A. D., 1867, feloniously take steal, drive and ride away one horse of the value of one hundred dollars, the property of one Marshall Humphries. All this in the county of Lowndes, State of Mississippi, on the day and date aforesaid.

To the specification, "Not Guilty."
To the charge, "Not Guilty."

Of the specification, "Not Guilty."
Of the charge, "Not Guilty."
And the Commission does therefore acquit him, William Baker, citizen.

3. James Varnell, civilian.


Specification.——In this, that James Varnell, citizen of Hinds county, Mississippi, did on or about the 23d day of November, 1867,