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near Brownsville, in said county, deliberately and maliciously shoot and kill one Hugh Lipscomb, a freedman. PLEA. To the specification, "Not Guilty." To the charge, "Not Guilty." FINDINGS. Of the Specification, "Not Guilty." Of the Charg "Not Guilty.' And the Commission does therefore acquit him, James Varnell, citizen. III. Before a Military Commission which convened at Little Rock, Arkansas, August 20th, 1867, pursuant to Special Orders No. 108, dated Headquarters 4th Military District, Vicksburg, Mississippi, August 12th, 1867, and of which Brevet Major General RICHARD ARNOLD, Captain 5th U.S. Artillery, is President, was arraigned and tried. 5. Henry Justice, (colored) civilian. CHARGE-Murder. Specification-In this that he, Henry Justice, citizen, did with a shotgun or other fire arm feloniously and with malice aforethought shoot, kill and murder Wesley Matthews in the peace of the state. All this on or about the 29th day of September, 1867, in Hot Spring county, Arkansas. Plea. To the specification,"Guilty,"-except the words "feloniously and with malice aforethought" and the word "murder." To the Charge, "Not Guilty." FINDINGS. Of the specification, "Guilty."-except the words "feloniously and with malice aforethought" and the word "murder." Of the charge, "Not Guilty." And the Commission does therefore acquit him, Henry Justice, citizen. IV. Before a Military Commission which convened at Holly Springs, Mississippi, December 16th, 1867, pursuant to Special Orders No. 208, dated Headquarters 4th Military District, HollySprings, Mississippi, December 11th, 1967, and of which Brevet Major General ADELBERT AMES, Lieutenant Colonel 24th U.S. Infantry, is Presdent, was arraigned and tried.