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Head Quarters Post of Yazoo City
September 2d 1867

Lieut J.F. Conyngham
A.A.A.G. Sub Dist of Miss

I have the honor to respectfully report that in the Case of Col. Harry Gilmore I visited his plantation and made a thorough investigation into the matters and thins set forth in the statement of certain freedmen employed by him and found that all the Freedmen have registered and appear to be contented.

Regarding the threats of shooting I ascertained  the facts to be as follows: The Freedmen represented to Gilmore that they had been told that unless they attended these political meetings they would be driven out of the State, Gilmore told them that he would see they were protected, that if any party of men cam and tried to drive them off he would take down his rifle and see that his freemen were not molested.

The overseer does carry a revolver, not for the purpose of intimidating the Freedmen but as a protection against highwaymen and hose [[horse?]] thieves by whom he has been two or three times attacked.