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that already given to the Bureau. One of the returned claims has accordingly been sent by the Judge to Annapolis, and as soon as a reply is received those remaining in our hands will receive immediate attention. 
[[left margin]] Return of Discharges [[/left margin]] Applications are daily made by claimants for the return of their Discharge Ctfcts. in order to sell their Claims, but in obedience to your letter of February 29th we have retained them until our arrangements are completed. 
[[left margin]] Increase of Claim business [[/left margin]] Since the recent changes in the Claim Division the business has greatly increased, as an examination of the Discharges on hand revealed the fact that many of the owners were entitled to Govmt. Bounty. They were accordingly notified and the number of new claims filed this quarter, is largely in excess, of the last. 
[[left margin]] Missing Discharges [[/left margin]] The investigation with regard to the missing Discharges (reported on by me March 28th & 30th) is still progressing and the replies so far received, show that the owners obtained them from this office, and returned the receipts. 
The following is a Statistical report of Claims received and acted upon.