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Prospect of breaking up Apprentshp. System
Mode of procedure 

law of Maryland, was given with the hope that its applicability to a majority of cases now existing would result in breaking up the evil." It gives me pleasure to state that the prospect of realizing the hope expressed, is encouraging, and I am quite confident, the next quarterly report will show but for unsettled apprenticeship cases, on hand. 

Mode of procedure 
Our mode of procedure in their settlement is as follows. A letter in which are enclosed printed copies of the Chief Justice decision and Judge Giles opinion concerning them, is written to the party complained of, demanding the restoration of the child, or children. Should no reply be received within a reasonable time a second letter is written, and parties notified that the case will be submitted to the Courts unless an answer is returned within a specified time, the answer being received to second communication, the case is then referred to Mr. Stockbridge Bu. Solicitor.  

Success in settling cases 
So far our second letters have not failed to produce replies, and no necessity for adopting extreme measures has arisen, but, demands have either been complied with, or parties have signified their willingness to surrender children after their statements are investigated.

The following is a statistical report of Complaints received and acted upon,