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I respectfully refer you to the following Statistical Report

The highest number of Pupils reported during this Quarter
Maryland - 5240
Delaware - 1133
Total No. of Pupils - 6373

The highest number of Teachers reported
Maryland White - 41 Colored - 92 = 133
Delaware White - 10 Colored - 19 = 29
Total No. of Teachers  162

The highest number of Schools reported
Maryland Day - 92 Night - 19 = 111
Delaware Day - 22 Night - 8  = 30
Total No. of Schools  141

The total expense for the Quarter, for Rents, Construction, and Repairs of School Houses in this District is $4.204.48-

No. of Comd. Officers. Agents. Clerks, Messengers in Dist.
Commissioned Officers - 2
Agents - 4
Clerks - 2
Messengers - 2
Hostler - 1

Transcription Notes:
I had trouble with the writing, please spellcheck thoroughly. thank you. Edited, completed.