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dollars per month, - four stewards, two clerks and forty one attendants.

The apparent excess of attendants arises from the Secretary of the Treasury having ordered the Collector of the Post of Vicksburg to enter into contract with the Bureau to treat all marines coming into Hospital free of charge to the Treasury in consideration of the use of the United States Marines Hospital, furniture and appurtenances by the Bureau which was done, and as the Marines in Hospital do not appear on the reports of the Medical Department there is an apparent excess of attendants.  Since last report one Surgeon has been employed and the contracts of three have been annulled.

The number of patients in Hospitals on the 1st of January net was 268;- admitted to treatment since that date 1207;- discharged 1135;- transferred 12;- died 37;- being an average of deaths of 2 1/2 per cent;- remaining on hand at date of report 291.