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The Orphan Asylum at Lauderdale was instituted by the "Society of Friends" of Indiana. - By resolution of their yearly meeting in 1865 or 6 a farm of about 160 acres near Lauderdale Springs was purchased on which a colored Orphan Asylum was established and the use of a portion of the late rebel Hospitals of that place granted them by the Government; the balance of said Hospitals being used as a Hospital by the Bureau.-

During the cholera last Summer the gentleman in charge left the Asylum without taking any measures to provide for its continuance and from motives of humanity it was taken in charge by the Bureau and the necessary attendants and supplies furnished.- At its last yearly meeting the Society transferred the property to the control of the Bureau so long as it may be needed for an Orphan Asylum and an agent has been assigned to its charge. The early opening of an Industrial School is contemplated and it is thought to make it eventually