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The amount issued during last month however was but a little more than a third of that issued in February and it is not thought that any great excess will be required in future.-
The amount of Rations furnished during the quarter varies but little from that furnished during like periods heretofore. No personal issues have been made at any point except Vicksburg, Jackson and Natchez and in no case have such issues been made except upon a personal investigation by some officer or Agent of the Department as to the actual conditions of the applicant and becoming convinced of its absolute necessity. Immediate employment is procured for all applicants who are able to earn their support and transportation furnished to the point where procured.

The whole amount furnished is as follows:-
To Refugees 13.472 1/2 Rations at a cost of $2,265.74
To Freedmen 21.927 1/2 Rations at a cost of $3.914.71