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maintained with much less than the present force although a few reductions are anticipated.- Since January 18th two offices of the V.R.C., mustered out have left,- five civilian agents and two citizen clerks  been discharged, while two agents and three clerks have been appointed.

Notwithstanding the almost hopeless prospect to the freedmen at the opening of the season and so many and oft repeated disappointments in their hopes, they have risen superior to all obstacles and not disheartened by their failures, but determined to succeed have gone to work more vigorously this year than at any other time since the war.- "The signs of the times" on all sides are flattering to both classes.- A greater area of land is under cultivation than last year and a far greater proportion in breadstuffs than ever before. The economy of raising their own supplies is appreciated by all.- Lands are cultivated generally in smaller parcels by owners and colored tenants and