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New Orleans Jan 21 1868.
Maj. Gen. Howard
Com. Freedmen's Bureau &c &c
I respectfully call your earnest & immediate attention to a gross interference with the interests of our Orphan's Home on the part of Messrs Langston & De Mostia who claim to have been appointed by you to inspect the conditions of the Freedmen in the S.W. & our Orphan's Home in particular. They came here during my absence & their special aim was to defeat us in obtaining the $10,000 which M. de Bossiere had promised us, if as covered it with $20,000 additional. They went in person to L Grand, de Bossiere's agent, & so misrepresented us that M. Grand refused to-day to give us the $10,000 which we new need to complete our asylum buildings which are now in process of erection.
They made the following points:
1. That our "Home" is sectarian.
Four years ago we joined heartily with Protestants and Roman Catholics in the organization of our Orphan's Home.