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but in a short time thereafter, the Catholics attempted to convert the "Home" into a Catholic institution; but the Protestants resisted & the Catholic treasurer then refused to pay the bills for the current expenses of the orphans. A division followed, the Protestants keeping the children, & the Catholics the money. My counsel to Madam De Mortie then was to place the "Home" under the fostering care of some Protestant denomination, Baptist, Congregationalist, Episcopalian or another & I would cheerfully cooperate. It was finally offered to the Methodists & they accepted it, and with your noble aid, raised the $20,000. Among the managers are Congregationalists & Methodists, & orphans of all sects are received. And I need not say to you that the Methodists should have the care of this "Home" as they are spending annually half a million of dollars for the elevation of the Blacks in the South. The sectarianism is but in name.

2. These gentlemen objected to me as president of the Board of Managers because I am the pastor of a white church, "which was built by money collected from colored people & from which colored people are excluded", both of which points are false. $36,000 for the erection of the church came from the North; $10,000 were raised from among the whites & not fifty dollars were given by the blacks.

As to the exclusion of Blacks the facts are these: Two years ago, when our Missionary Society made