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has never come into our hands from any such persons.
II. That these gentlemen do not complain of the administration of the Asylum, but are pleased to make a point against me personally; & they have been incited to it, by a class of free-born blacks, because I will not allow them to jump from the shoulders of the poor freedmen into all the offices. They did not get their information from the Freedmen, who are in full accord with us.
General, I need not vindicate my personal devotion to the Black man. You know my labors in their behalf.
And now may I ask you to write a line to M. de Bossiere, endorsing me & our "Home", & direct the same to our mutual friend, Hon. Thomas C. Durant of your city. And the blessing of the orphans will be yours.
As ever, my dear General, and with great respect, yours truly
J.P. Newman