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Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands,
Headquarters Assistant Commissioner State of North Carolina,
Office of Surgeon-in-Chief,
Raleigh, N.C., October 22d, 1867.

In accordance with instructions in Circular Letter dated at Washington D.C. Sept. 27th 1867, you will immediately take the necessary steps for the closure of your Hospital, and the establishment of a Dispensary in its stead. No patient will be admitted after date of receipt of this order, and the present inmates will be discharged as soon as possible, with the exception of those who are infirm or permanently disabled and who cannot be taken care of as out door patients. Such cases will be sent to the General Hospital at Salisbury N.C. Transportation for them being procured by requisition on the Sub. Asst. Comm'r. of the Sub. Dist. The Hospital Bedding, Clothing, and Furniture now at Wilmington and Beaufort N.C. has been ordered to be shipped to you for sale by public auction. All Records pertaining to the Hospital will be forwarded to this Office; All Employees will be discharged as soon as practicable.

Please report to this office as to the progress and completion of the work above specified, which it is confidently hoped can be effected by the last of the current month.

Very Respectfully, You obt. Servant
(signed) Wm. F. Smith
Capt'n. & Asst. Surg'n. USA. Surg'n in Chief.

Dr. J.K. Fleming
AA Surgeon USA
New Bern