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the statistical reports of the Surgeons in charge, and I regret exceedingly that they are so meagre. This, however was unavoidable in consequence of the absence of proper Records in several instances. The Dispensary situated at Greensboro N.C. will shortly be closed, as the amount of sickness amongst the colored people of that section does not warrant the expense of keeping it up,
I intend (subject to your approval) to issue a small supply of medicines to one or two resident physicians of the town who have expressed their entire willingness to give advice to such freedpeople as apply to them. In fact the Sub. Asst. Comm'r informed me that the majority of the cases are treated by private physicians and that the Bureau Surgeon has lately been little more than a drug-clerk.

In conclusion I would respectfully suggest that instead of selling of the surplus property by auction, some measures be taken by which it could be made available for the relief of the poor in the various counties of the state. Sooner or later the county authorities must provide for their own destitute