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them 20 bbls of corn & 500 lbs of meat, on the two plantations there is raraly sufficient corn for the use of the families of Eaton & Johnson & their plow teams. Four of the 25 hands are working for rations & 1/4 of the crop the usual for 3/8 of the crop feeding themselves & working in gangs of from 4 to 7. Eaton & Johnson furnishing teams & tools & feeding the team - The petition for aid is entitled to a favorable hearing but at my suggestion and in view of the fact that many similar applications will probably be made from planters in Franklin Co. Mr Eaton now asks for a loan of provisions (corn & bacon) to be made to him for which he will pledge his land & his share of the coming crop, he dealing the provisions out to his hands weekly and taking a lien on their crop for repayment. 

I would respectfully recommend that a loan be made to Mr. Eaton of such provisions as he may require, the value thereof in cash to be returned to the Government when the crop is harvested.

Mr. Eaton can feed the hands for a month from this date.

I have the honor to be Colonel
Very Respectfully
Your Obdt Servt
Thos H. Hay
1st Lieut 42d Infty.