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Bureau of R.F. & A.L.
Hd Qu S.D. 3rd S.D.N.C
Beaufort, N.C. February 9th 1868

Bvt. Lt. Col. J.F. Chur
A.A.A. Genl. Bu. R.F. & A.L.
Raleigh N.C.

I have the honor to respectfully call the attention of the the Asst. Commr. to the destitute condition of this Sub Division, embracing the Counties of Carteret and Onslow N.C. The destitution has been caused by Farmers last year, generally planting Cotton, realising but one half crop, and receiving for that, in many cases, not more than one third of the price they Calculated upon. What they realised for their cotton did not pay the amount of the bills furnished to them by merchants, to enable them to work their farms. This together with very little corn having been planted leaves Scarcly any provisions in this Sub Division. The Freedman and poor Whites who rented land suffered a great deal from this cause. In fact they are worse off now than they were at the commencement of 1867. To relieve this great distress and suffering I would respectfully recommend that the U.S. Governt. furnish provisions to all farming, particularly to tenants and small farmers, requiring them to plan the greater portion of their crops in Corn and potatoes taking a lien on their crops for the amount so furnished. To accomplish this in this Sub Div. it will require Thirty thousand dollars, $30,000 00/100 which the Chf