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Disbursements for the month
For salaries of Asst. Sub. Asst. Commissioners, $3.353.02
For Salaries of Clerks, 2,257.38
For Stationery & Printing,98.05 
For Quarters & Fuel, 865.50
For Clothing for distribution, 108.00
For Medical Department, 3,080.65
For Transportation, 1.634.47
For School Superintendents,293.32
For Buildings for Schools & Asylums,7.529.23
For Telegraphing and Postage, 256.91 
Total, $19.476.51 

I have the honor to remain
Very respectfully you obdt. svt.
Nelson A. Miles
Col. & Bt. Maj. General.
Asst. Commissioner