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who did he despite, the freedmen Maurus. to us. for the Treatment of the officers. We advise them. to go Genl Renolds and they ans ok God damn his rebel Soul. he upheld them in it. he's hired to do it. the War. department. has Never ordered. Such. damn his red. face Soul. that. is all he Sits. up there for. to cheat. and Prob. cold people. Your Military officers. here South. are Causing. a good. man. to Lose. the president's chair. our Wings. are shot down. for calling us. g. thise acts. Testifies Mr Blair's Speech. Saying the Radicals uphold the rebels. in Slaying the people. dont get scared. we dont Take Sides. with him yet: We have a Blair Convention. here. Making a Governor a King: to disfranchise freedmen. and Loyal White men. theres None Loyal. but poor men here. and if ye. desire. to protect us. We would Like to see it.— Your abt Servients
Jno White
Virgil Connor 
Cato Johnson
Yeo Shrock
Rob Bruckson
Daniel Hart
Newman Alex
Wm Quattress.
Jno Bryan
Alex Thorton
and Dr. J.M. Donalson
Aus Tex aug 27 1868
