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February 3, 1968

Mr. Charles Le Clair, Dean
Tyler School of Art
Temple University
Beech and Penrose Avenues
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19126

Dear Mr. Le Clair,

Mr. Dan Flavin, who I understand has already received your kind permission to quote from the text of the Tyler catalog, has also asked if we might reproduce some of the photographs from that catalog.

I do not think we will have room for the entire selection he wishes to accompany his article, but they will be selected from among the pictures on pages 13, 19, 20, 28, 54, 58 and 62.

Mr. Flavin has lent us a copy of the catalog, and we can photograph the pictures we need directly, without having to put you to the bother of providing black and white glossies.

Upon permission, we will be happy to provide a line of credit, such as "All photos reproduced courtesy of the Tyler School of Art, Temple University," or some similar wording.

I would appreciate a rather speedy reply, as we are approaching deadlines for our March issue,

Yours truly,
Philip Leider
Philip Leider