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We have not been receiving the magazine before the final week of each month. At[strikethrough] At Sol Le Witt's opening on Saturday, Bob Smithson hesitantly asked if I had attacked him in my last article as you had stated or implied in your editorial. I denied that Phil, when may I expect the galleys of ". . . on an American artists education"? 
This time, because of the corrected manuscript used, some especially careful proof reading may be required. I can help with that chore.
Before terminating, I must challenge one of the most peculiarly silly opinions of your reply of January Eighteenth - that "Greenburg, Tillim and Mike Freed" are "the three sharpest art intelligences around." How illogical! Your trio cannot exceed their parasitic role. If contemporary artists are not primarily intelligent through demonstrably informative art now, critics could not perform later. Once again, I do not wish to name only three artists. I have no regrets about the "negligence."
Yesterday, in a letter to Irving Blum, I "complained" again: "The killing in Vietnam has become stunning. I have