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under in films, but I did the title drawings for...

...Well, what they generally use for the introduction at the beginning of the film...where they superimpose the title and figures over the drawings. I originally started out with that purpose in mind. But they decided because of the nature of the drawings that I did to use them as a curtain call for the actors at the end of the picture, so for about five minutes you see ...

...I was very pleased with the way it worked, but Hollywood is not for me. My interests have not been wholly with painters...most of my friends have been writers or actors or musicians.

...No my wife is a social worker. Ex-social worker I should say. Her only social work done is now at home. But she was with the Probation Department as a Probation Officer for a number of years, and before that she was with the YWCA in New York City.

...Yes, by that time I wasn't too active in the organization. I belonged to another organization which involved more than just eager artists, and I became interested in other organizations, so I became a part of the Artists Union in Chicago, which just began around that time.

...I was twenty years old when I went. I had just finished my first year at the Art School, and I was in kind of desperate need of money, and the only thing I knew was that I'd 
