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This is a copy sheet for use by the compilers of the new Edition. Please return promptly (to The Editors, The A. N. Marquis Company, Marquis Publications Building, Chicago-11, Illinois, USA.) whether or not changes are indicated, as the accuracy of the necessary alphabetization depends on each numbered sheet being in hand.
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Section of the Marquis National Biographee Reference File Within the Scope of:


NOTE: Your listing as it has been prepared by the Editors for the compilers of the new Edition is below. This Edition will be a printing involving extensive revision, planning and preparation, and accordingly is now actively in compilation.

Therefore please promptly note below - on this sheet, beside the typewriting - any necessary alterations or additions. A no-postage-required cover for its return accompanies.

To obviate the necessity of sending out another compiler's copy sheet, please return this one at once, regardless of whether or not changes are suggested.

Whenever possible, future events now known - including changes in appointments or offices - should be anticipated and added to this compiler's copy sheet, as so doing conserves both compilative time and material.

DO NOT REWRITE the listing, as it has already been put into the compiler's arbitrary format as shown. Since scattered minor alterations may involve complete recasting, the Editors, because of the difficult compilative production situation, will additionally appreciate cooperation in minimizing them.


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This vita has been composed by The A.N. Marquis Company and is its property. The content is subject to "copyright before publication."
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YOUR SIGNATURE (or an authorized one)-so that the Editors may be assured personal data have been checked at firsthand.
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WHITE, Charles, artist; b. Chicago, Apr. 2, 1918; s. Charles and Ethel (Gary) W.; student Art Inst. Chgo., 1947-49, Art Students League, 1942-44, Taller de Graphica, Mexico, 1946-47; m. Francis Barrett, May 31, 1950. Instr. Workshop Sch. of Advt. Art, N.Y.C. since 19__. One-man Shows: A_____ C______ A_____ Gallery, 1946, 1949, 1950, Hunter Coll., 1949, N.Y.U., 1949; exhibited in Mexico, Paris, Prague, Japan. Collections: Atlanta U., Hampton Inst., Newark Mus., Howard U., Internat. Bus. Machines Corp., Library of Congress. Mem. Artist Equity, Inc. Home: 240 E. 24th St., N.Y.C.

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IMPORTANT: If the Marquis National Biographee Reference File does not include effective address information (preferably both home and business or professional), data cannot be sent for (1) the revisions necessary to the maintenance of their currency and (2) the avoidance of transfer to the non-current classification. The address portion of the above listing should therefore be carefully checked. Addresses may be withheld from publication on request to the Editors-please note below address "Not for publication" if it is to be withheld from publication.
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BY WAY OF RECIPROCATION. As some tangible reciprocation for the cooperation which must be asked of biographees in checking listing manuscripts and bringing published sketches down to date periodically, those listed in Marquis biographical dictionaries have for many years been extended considerable subscription preferentials on booking any personal requirements for them in advance of publication so that they may be produced as economically as possible through inclusion in the initial press runs. Since return of this manuscript, checked, constitutes helpfulness to the Editors qualifying for this preference reciprocation for that cooperation, a restricted blank validating it when signed as specified, accompanies this vita.
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(See overleaf for essential details in connection with scrutiny of your listing.)