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Art & Life in America, Oliver W. Larkin, Rinehart & Co.
Modern Negro Art, James A. Porter, Dryden Press
The Negro in Art, Dr. Alain Locke, Negro Folk Education, Washington, D.C.
American Negro Art, Cedric Dover, New York Graphic Society 
Longacre Press
Natural Figure Drawing, Anton Refregier, Tudor Publ. Co,
The Negro Artist Comes of Age, Albany Institute of History and Art
The Art of Charles White, New Century Publishers
Fur das Algerische Kind, Aus Mein Weg zur Kunst von Charles White, Schweiz Arbeiter und Bauernhilfe, Zurich, Switzerland
Los Angeles Magazine, Art of Our City, Arthur Millier, Jan. 1964

Who's Who in American Art

Tuskegee Institute
Hampton Institute
Chicago Public Library

(partial list) 

Sidney Poitier
Harry Belafonte
Roland Hayes 
Carlton Moss 
Nat Cole 
David S. Martin
Dr. Edmund Gordon
Leo Brannon Jr. 
Payyon Wolff 
Stanley Kramer 
Abram Ginnes 
Max Gordon 
Tom Pedi 
Max Youngstein 
George Anton 
Prof. James V. Herring 
William Bruck
David A. Brown 

International Business Machine Corporation
Brown Pharmaceutical Company

and collectors in Brazil, France, Italy, England, Japa n, Africa, India, Canada, Switzerland