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1937- Art Insitute of Chicago Scholarship
National Scholarship Award
1940- American Negro Exposition
1942- Julius Rosenwald Fellowship
1943- Julius Rosenwald Fellowship
1946- Edward B. Alford Award, Atlanta University
1946, 1949, 1951, Atlanta University Purchase Award
1953 Second At(crossed-out)a(crossed-out)lanta Purchase Award
1952 National Institute of art & Letters Grant
1952 Metropolitan Museum of Art Exhibition
1955 John Hay Whitney Fellowship
1960 Gold Medal, International Graphic Show, Germany
1961 Purchase Award, Howard University
1961 Purchase Award Atlanta University
1963 CHilde Hassam Fund Purchase Award, American Insitute of Art & Letters

EXHIBITIONS: (National & Group Shows)

1938 Art Institute of Chicago... Howard University 1940... Library of Congress... 1941... Smith College Museum of Art 1943... Institute of Modern Art, Boston, 1943... Atlanta University 1943... Baltimore Museum 1944.... Newark Museum 1944... Brooklyn Museum 1945... San Francisco Museum of Art 1946 Whitney Museum, 1951... American Academy of Art & Letters 1952
Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1952... Smithsonian Institute 1954 University of Chicago, 1944... University of Utah, 1958.... Long Beach Museum of Art 1959... International Exhibition of Art Germany, 1959.


1947 Barnett-Aden Gallery, Washington D.C.
1947, 1949, 1951, 1953, 1958, 1961, ACA Gallery, New York City
1953 Pyramid Club, Philadelphia
1949 New York University
1949 Hunter College
1958 University of Southern California