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they were in direct accord with the curve established by the test. My level of sugar dropped lower than he'd even seen. Anyway, He has given me a no sugar diet and put me on [[strikethrough]] a [[/strikethrough]] Niacin treatment. Have to wait and see if it will make a difference. I'm very impressed with him. There is one thing I know all ready, he is the most thorough diagnostician I've come across and he explains everything. I don't know when I'll go into proper treatment. He has taken over patients from other doctors that he calls chronic patients (especially Riechians) and has been able to diagnose and find ways of breaking through the chronic resistences. I've got a lot of faith in him. Just to explain a little further to you, I felt as if I've been in an awful plunge for about the last couple of years. Maybe Davids death has had something to do with it, perhaps in relation to Morris and [[strikethrough]] dying [[/strikethrough]] Mary dying also. Do you