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1964  Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, Holland, 
amerikaanse grafiek.

1965  Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Los Angeles, Cal., 
New York School--The First Generation.

1965-66  International Council, The Museum of Modern Art,
New York. Modern Sculpture U.S.A. (travelling exhibition)

1965  Nicholas Wilder Gallery, Los Angeles, California, 
Barnett Newman XVIII Cantos.

1965  Museum of Modern Art, Sao Paulo, Brazil 
VIII Sao Paulo Bienal, U.S. Exhibit. (hors de concours)

1966  Smithsonian Institution--National Collection of Fine Arts Washingtion, D.C., The United States Exhibition at the VIII Sau Paulo Bienal

1965-66  Moderna Museet, Stockholm, Sweden,
The Inner and the Outer Space.

1965  Allan Stone Gallery, New York
De Kooning, Pollock, Newman, Gorky, Cornell.

Kunst Museum, Basel, Switzerland
Museum of Modern Art, New York
Nationalmuseum, Stockholm, Sweden (Moderna Museet)

London, Paris, New York, Boston, Los Angeles, etc.