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Board of Governors
Mrs. Albert A. List, Chairman
Abram Kanof, Vice-Chairman
Mrs. Harry Stone, Secretary
Gustave L. Levy, Treasurer
Harry N. Abrams
Stanley I. Batkin
Mrs. Marion S. Doniger
David Finn
Ben Heller
H. Lawrence Herring
Joseph H. Hirshhorn
William B. Jaffe
Mrs. Jacob M. Kaplan
Arthur Katz
Mrs. Bernard J. Reis
Horace Richter
Meyer Schapiro
Mrs. Shayel Scheinberg

Mrs. Samuel Lemberg

Ex Officio
Hans van Weeren-Griek, Acting Director

Hans van Weeren-Griek, Acting Director
Janet W. Solinger, Administrator
Tom L. Freudenheim, Associate Curator
Guido Schoenberger, Research Professor Emeritus
Siegfried Rosenberg, Registrar
Gertrude Winograd, Assistant Registrar
Meyer Schapiro, Consultant
Sandra L. Hunt, Assistant Curator
Leslie Ann Mandelson, Assistant Curator
Elaine Lustig Cohen, Design Consultant
Ambur Hiken, Photographer
Howard Thomas, Superintendent
Allison Matsner, Public Information
Dolores Lamanna, Membership Secretary

Copyright Ⓒ 1965 by The Jewish Museum
1109 Fifth Avenue, New York 28, New York
under the auspices of
The Jewish Theological Seminary of America
Library of Congress Card Number 65-15446