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The magazine of women's culture


Advertising Rate Card, effective January 1979

Printing requirements
Offset printing on non-glossy, smooth-finished, off-white, 45 lb. stock. Perfect binding. Trim size 7 3/4 x 11." Copy should be camera-ready and scaled to size. Photographs and artwork with complete lay-out work acceptable; camera work and stripping charged at cost. Advertisers may supply positives, negatives, or black-and-white proofs. 100 line screen is required.  

Dimensions in inches

[[3 column table]]
| size | width | depth |
| --- | --- | --- |
| full page | 6 5/16 | 8 1/4 |
| 2 columns | 4 1/8 | 8 1/4 |
| 1 column | 2 | 8 1/4 |
| 1/2 column | 2 | 4 1/16 |
| 1/4 column | 2 | 2 |
| 2/3 page horiz. | 6 5/16 | 5 1/2 |
| 1/3 page | 6 5/16 | 2 5/8 |
| 1/2 page | 6 5/16 | 4 1/16 |
| 1/6 page | 6 5/16 | 1 1/4 |

Issuance and Closing dates
Published quarterly, issued September, December, March and June  

Advertising rates
[[2 column table]]
| back cover | $750 |
| inside covers | $720 |
| full page | $600 |
| 2/3 page or 2 columns | $510 |
| 1/2 page | $425 |
| 1/3 page or 1 column | $360 | 
| 1/6 page or 1/2 column | $235 | 
| 1/12 page or 1/4 column | $140 |

Multiple insertion discount
On ads 1/3 page or larger only: 10% discount on ads run 4 times in one year; 5% discount on ads run 3 times in one year; 3% discount on ads run 2 times in one year.

Commissions and cash discount
15% discount to recognized advertising agencies, for camera-ready copy, when paid within 30 days of invoice date.

Production charges
Artwork, typography, screens, halftones, stripping, etc. will be billed to advertiser at cost.

Classified advertising rate
$ .75 per word; 10 word minimum;
$ .50 per word for ads run 4 or more times.

All advertising is subject to editorial approval 

Annual subscription rate: $12, $18 to institutions.
Single copy price: $3.50 

Camera ready copy deadlines 
[[2 column table]]
| Jan. 15 | July 15 |
| April 15 | Oct. 15 | 

Mailing Address
635 S. Westlake Ave.
Suite 101
Los Angeles, CA 90057
(213) 413-4330