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#2. Continued, page 2

- "Issue: Social Strategies by Women Artists." Installation , London Institute of Contemporary Arts, November-December, 1980. International exhibition or 24 artists, curated by Lucy R. Lippard. 
- "TOUCH SANITATION PERFORMANCE." New York City-wide with 8,500 sanitation workers. Two and a half year project with 11 month performance, designed in a spiralling-tracking form of 10 "sweeps" around the City, 8 hours/day, with audio, video and photograph recording throughout. A dialogue and handshake ritual with every individual worker, face to face to envision publically a system where "everybody counts" as the nucleus of the piece, with a simultaneous and surprisingly dense overlay of interpretive "broad-casing" by all kinds of public media. Performance dates: July 24, 1979 to June 26, 1980. Research: January, 1977 to July 24, 1979.
- "Pass-Along Energy Performance-- Make Waves." 5 hour performance-attempt to pass along some of the 8,500 unites of human energy I absorbed in my right hand b y shaking hands with sanitation workers for 11 months, to the general public for whom it was always intended. NYC 15th Annual Avant-Garde Festival at the Passenger Ship's Terminal. Charlotte Moorman, Director. July 1980. 
- "In Up Out Up." Whitney Museum Downtown, 55 Water Street, NYC. 2 performance/installations: 'Revolving Doors Have Wings: My Life in Parts and Wholeee, [in the revolving door exit], and 'Hello. Are You All Right? Good-Bye.' [1st performance where I made a physical contact with each member of the audience]. February 24, 1978.
- "Maintenance Art Tales." Franklin Furnace, NYC. January 11, 1977.
- "I MAKE MAINTENANCE ART 1 HOUR EVERY DAY." All over 55 Water Street building, 3 1/2 million sq/ft, 24 hours/day with 300 maintenance workers and con-currently in Whitney Museum Downtown (2nd floor of same building and opened at midnight for night shift workers to participate), 6 weeks long performance. October, 1976. David Hupert, Director. 
-" Maintaining NYC in Crisis. 'What keeps New York City Alive'" Whitney Museum Downtowm. 30 performers reading the mayor's Executive Budget at the height of the fiscal crisis and massive job lay-offs. October 13, 1976. 
-"Sidewalk Washing Performance." June 15, 1974; and "Interviewing Passersby about their Maintenance Lives," June 18, 1974. Outside the A.I.R. Gallery, NYC. 
-"FallSuite: Time Slices: (1)'Husbanding the Earth--Raking Piece;' (2)'Making a 50 foot Sanitary Napkin for a 100 year old Tree;' (3)"Mingling the fallen leaves with my babies' hair-cuttings.'" Vassar College Museum (outside), November7, 1974. 
-"Earth Ransom Exchange & Boundary Washing: 2 performances." Israel Museum, Jerusalem, Febuary 19, 1974, Yonah Fisher, curator. 
-"3 Performance Pieces: (1)'Its OK to have a Babysitter (Includes long-distance calls;' (2)'Security as Maintenance--Memorial to Martin Luther King =, Jr.:' and (3)'Snow Raking Piece." Institute of Contemporary Art, Boston, January 15, 1974. 
-"Now You Have Heirs/Airs, M. Duchamp." Philadelphia Art Museum/Moore College of Art, and distance in between with Anne D-Harnoncourt acting as Duchamp's "Deputy Here On Earth." November 7, 1973. Diane Vanderlip, curator.