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[[strikethrough]]to do with anti-art. [[/strikethrough]] anti-artist, that is they see everything in terms of or from the bases of their art, or the way they live is focused on the [[strikethrough]] point [[/strikethrough]] fact that they are [[strikethrough]] doing [[/strikethrough]] making art. [[strikethrough]] But, not always. I don't know, I don't really have any generalization to make about that. [[/strikethrough]]

UM: [[strikethrough]] Well, you know some of the writings of Kurt Von Meyer, he used to be very interested in that, some of [[/strikethrough]] The Hell's Angels?....

LL: Well, that's just another form of what [[strikethrough]] Ho [[/strikethrough]] Huebler's doing. [[strikethrough]] or what a lot of these people are doing is [[/strikethrough]] It's a matter of looking at something - or life -from an art view point, and therefore making it art, seeing it in an art context, or if not an art context, then a context [[strikethrough]] that involves [[/strikethrough]] involving the isolation of the phenomenon in any way. [[strikethrough]] Yes, I mean [[/strikethrough]] Look at the Hell's Angels as an isolated phenomenon and they can be art. But if you're just sitting arond with them all day, every day, [[strikethrough]] and particularly notice, [[/strikethrough]] without noticing, there's [[strikethrough]] something [[/strikethrough]] less of a chance that [[strikethrough]] you'll look at them as art. Again There's always a kind of, again, idealization, of, (not in the sense that it's better or worse) than anything else but just another conception [[/strikethrough]] they'll be art or anti-art to you. It's still a matter of being aware of something as separate from other things. [[/strikethrough]]

UM: [[strikethrough]] How do you see the possibility of development in conceptual art? [[/strikethrough]] Don't you think that conceptual art probably [[strikethrough]] itself [[/strikethrough]] is the most important development at present?

LL: [[strikethrough]] Yeah, I think don't like the word either except I find myself using it, I haven't found any other word that's, certainly impossible art.... [[/strikethrough]] The[[strikethrough]]r[[/strikethrough]] trouble is, the term "conceptual art" is now being used for absolutely everything, [[strikethrough]] and the only artists - there are very few [[/strikethrough]] from Andre or Serra to Morris or [[K?]] to Barry or Huebler. there must be a way of getting away from labels.