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UM: Why is that they are so slow on the uptake? 

LL: Oh God knows.

UM: What is their direction, actually? 

LL: I [[strikethrough]] think they've all got a different direction, but [[/strikethrough]] I [[strikethrough]]think [[/strikethrough]] suppose one of the problems [[strikethrough]] with it [[/strikethrough]] is that [[strikethrough]] they've [[/strikethrough]] there is usually an editor who has a particular idea about what he likes, and what is art, and he isn't that interested in anything else. And on the other hand you have something like Time, which is not at all interested in art and just wants to have lots of [[strikethrough]] ( [[/strikethrough]]stuff crammed into it [[strikethrough]] ? But [[/strikethrough]] If Time and Newsweek were more accurate [[strikethrough]] had correct information, [[/strikethrough]] they'd probably be better art magazines than the art magazines. The trouble is [[strikethrough]] their information is never accurate. [[/strikethrough]] Just now they simply work with incorrect oversimplified information. 

UM: How come?

LL: God knows. I suppose it's because the people who write it don't usually understand what the art is about. But even Howard Junker, who worked for Newsweek for a while...... He did several of those, that kind of article (like the one on Earthworks). Howard is one of the .... I think Seth and I and Howard [[crossed out]] are [[/crossed out]] were probably the only people outside the artists in the city about a year and a half or two years ago who know anything abut this kind of art. I mean really knew a lot of artists working and so on. Howard was really an expert. He know about the earthworks too. Yet when he wrote about it, he ended up [[crossed out]] looking [[/crossed out]] with these simple-minded who'd think that because he'd write something, then it would go to an editor who didn't know anything about it, and he would rewrite it, and so on. And by the 

Transcription Notes:
used "crossed out" for edits within larger section of "strikethrough". Hopefully that's less confusing.