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Sept. 15 '77

Dear Lucy -

I have been meaning to sit down and to write a decent letter - if you can call this decent. Hope you're settled in OK. Am sorry I was away when you called to say good-bye. Do you like it over there - hope you like to bake bread. Miss you even though I didn't get to see you very much - but at least I knew you were here. Still don't know what the hell i am going to be doing...... but if I go to India and can get a stop-over on the ticket - I will visit you.

Well OK. Am trying to get work ready for a show at JAM, the black gallery on 57th Street. Have the feeling that there will be a "perverse" amount of attention because of the context of the show - it's key in a black gallery. Feel very torn about it also because it is where AC used to work for the mad-lady Linda .... but I seem to be handling her OK. I just hope he doesn't come to the opening to spoil it for me. It is a shame the show is fraught with complications. Am about as excited as a turkey at Thanksgiving.