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November 23, 1942

Dear Arshile:
Although it is not yet certain and so I probably should not speak of it, I am eager to have your work in this year's American show at the Museum.  We will probably follow the same plan as last year, giving one room to each artist, but this year the show will have as its theme a contrast between abstract and realistic art. I hope the idea of being in the show may appeal to you. As far as I know you have not had a one-man show in New York since the time about ten years ago when some of your drawings were at Boyer's. Is this correct?
For this show I would like to have about half a dozen paintings, perhaps more, and some big drawings like the one the Museum bought.  The two paintings we have here, of course, and perhaps the big white one we returned and the one I have.  Could I come down sometime and see what else you have?  Perhaps you could phone me soon and tell me what you think of all this. My best to you and Agnes.

Mr. Arshile Gorky
36 Union Square
New York, N.Y.