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[[strikethrough]] Artist [[/strikethrough]] Gorky

Copy to Mr. Sheldon Keck

September 20, 1948

Dear Mr. Castelli:
I have talked with our restorer, Mr. Sheldon Keck, about the problem of preserving the large Gorky drawing which you now possess. Mr. Keck tells me that the plastic spray, which he has used successfully on paintings, could also be used on paper, although he knows of no such cases. I asked him whether anyone else he knows uses this spray, but he thinks not.

Mr. Keck could do the spraying for you if you care to have him do so at his laboratory in Brooklyn. I suggest that you telephone him at Main 4-2539 if you wish to make such an arrangement. He may also be reached on certain days at the Brooklyn Museum. It is essential that the spray be applied in a very thin mist, and it should, therefore, be done by an experienced person. 


Mr. Leo Castelli
4 East 77th Street
New York, New York
