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The Newark Museum

October 10, 1078

Mrs. Dorothy C. Miller
12 East 8th Street 
New York, New York 10003

Dear Dorothy:

On November 15, 1978, from 5:30 to 7:30 pm., The Newark Museum will hold a preview of one of the most important exhibitions it has ever undertaken, Murals Without Walls: Arshile Gorky's Newark Airport Murals Rediscovered, I am writing to ask you to save the date because we would be honored to have you join us on this auspicious occasion.

The discovery of these murals, hidden under 14 layers of wall paint in the Newark Airport Administration Building, and their subsequent restoration is one of great importance to the history of 20th century American art and a cause for celebration. We are also proud to be able to present this exhibition in the same year honoring the 50th Anniversary of the opening of the Newark Airport.

I hope that you will be able to join Rosetta and me for dinner at our Newark apartment following the opening. To facilitate traveling to and from New York the Museum will provide bus transportation for those who request it.


We look forward to having you with us. Please let us know by calling (201) 733-6650.

Best personal regards.


Samuel C. Miller


43-49 Washington Street  Newark, New Jersey 07101  201-733-6600
Samuel C. Miller, Director