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The Newark Museum

October 5, 1981 rec'd 10-10

Mr. Alan Sagner, Chairman
Port Authority - New York/New Jersey
1 World Trade Center
67th floor
New York, New York 10048

Dear Alan:

Although the Gorky Murals are still travelling in the Guggenheim show, a recent request from the Museum of Fine Arts in Houston to borrow the larger one for another touring exhibition in Texas and Europe focuses on the problem of the ultimate disposition and protection of these major historic works. There is no doubt that the role played by the Port Authority, and particularly Saul Wenegrat, in pursuing the recovery and ultimate restoration of these panels is exemplary. That the board authorized the pursuit of Endowment funding as well as pro-viding money of its own for this project has won the respect and admiration of the entire art world. The exhibition that The Newark Museum organized and which was toured to several major museums across the country received nothing but critical acclaim. In itself, this was an event of importance for the general public as well as to scholars.

However, it is my strong feeling, as well as that of many of my colleagues -- directors of museums with major collections of modern American art -- that these two murals are of such major artistic and historic value that they ultimately should rest in a permanent collection in a museum.

Although the Port Authority has acquired a distinguished collection of modern art which is indeed worthy of the contemplated publication of a catalogue, it cannot guarantee that in the future its collection might not be dispersed for whatever reasons. It is because of this that my colleagues support my concern that these significant works find the permanent home that only a museum can provide. Not only does a museum assure permanence but it also offers the necessary expertise to insure professional care.

The request from Houston is a case in point. Before any decision is made on lending one of the panels for an exhibition intended to tour Europe the work should be carefully inspected by a professional restorer to ascertain whether

Samuel C. Miller, Director
49 Washington Street  P.O. Box 540  Newark, New Jersey 07101  (201) 733-6600