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health and education. Posters are also being supplied for safety, crime prevention and various other educational campaigns; for Industrial Research Bureaus, State Conservation Departments, and the various WPA projects. In a number of states the artists in this section have been asked to work up illustrated campaigns to promote better citizenship, public health, municipal cleanliness and to discourage vandalism.

One of the important developments of the Federal Art Project is the group cooperation which in some project units is, in effect, a kind of guild organization. The individuality of the artist is not lost in the group effort, for within the broader scope of the projects the artist has opportunity for personal expression both in style and interpretation. In view of the isolation characteristic of the artist in the recent past, this new tendency toward mutual help and solidarity is to be regarded as highly significant. It is a form of preparation for the emergence of a new relationship between the artist and the public. The artist, through his work on the Federal Art Project, is helping to build a new and socially sounder basis for art through the development of understanding and appreciation among the general public.

To-day the United States Government is the greatest art patron in the world - and probably the largest employer of artists in recorded history. To many people this government employment is a new and unheard of thing. But actually, government support of art is not new.

Governments in every age and in every part of the world have employed large groups of artists - among them, we can recall, the