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governments of Egypt, of Greece, and of Rome, of medieval and modern Europe, the rulers of China and those of the ancient civilizations of America. The great building program in Athens, under Pericles, which left an imperishable record, employed large numbers of people on government art projects. In our time, the French government has long had a liberal policy toward encouraging art and public art education. Great Britain has encourage its artist, as have Italy, Germany, Russia and Sweden.

But this fact has not served to soften the criticism of certain classes. Indeed a punitive attitude seems to have developed, particularly among these whose wealth, if lodged in the hands of more enlightened people, might have made them patrons of the arts. Instead, they are the people who prescribe ditch digging as the only cure as the only cure for unemployment.

Maury Maverick, enlightened Representative from Texas, in a speech before the House last Winter said: "One of the greatest dangers in America to-day is due to the threatened loss of human skill. I know myself of hundreds of skilled workingmen who have been forced into idleness and the result is that they are losing their skill. Moreover, young men of America who are coming along are not getting a chance to accumulate any skill. Therefore we are getting to a situation where we have less skill in this country as time goes on. WPA is saving the skill of literally millions of our people, and I say that that is of tremendous value to this country.

"There are professional men, doctors, lawyers among the unemployed and now all of these people are slurringly referred to as