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Gorky - Part A

May 15, 1978

Mr. Saul Wenegrat
Port Authority Committee on Art
One World Trade Center
73rd Floor
New York, New York 10048

Dear Saul:
This is to remind you that in February 1973 I lent you four photographs relating to the Gorky murals at Newark Airport for use in making copy negatives in connection with uncovering the remaining Gorky murals at the Airport. I want very much to recover from you these original WPA Project photographs, which I want eventually to turn over to the Archives of American Art.

These photographs bore the following labels:

20A Gouache study for mural (negative 171)
20B Gouache study for mural (negative 170)
21 Model showing murals in Administrative Building (negative 169)
22 Model showing murals in Administrative Building (negative 172)

Ruth Bowman, in her exhaustive study of the Gorky murals in preparation for the exhibition, probably has other prints of the above works, However, I want to make sure that she has them. She has been through all my other WPA material and thus it came to my attention that I had made note of having lent these four photographs to you. I hope that you will find them in your files and can return them to me before I I turn over all the rest of the material to the Archives of American Art. 

Many thanks. 