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Ruth Bowman

6 July 1978

Miss Dorothy Miller
12 East 8th Street
New York, New York 10003

Dear Dorothy:

I have heard from Saul Wenegrat and Sam Miller that you were taking a much deserved vacation. We have been out of touch for so long that I really have begun to develop guilt feelings about not having sent you the enclosed list before.

You may remember that I stayed on in your studio one day and took some documents and photographs off with me. I finally got to show the photographs to Sam, who asked me to have copy negatives made and I will return all of this to you as soon as the photographs are returned.

There is a brochure called "Art as a Function of Government" which I would like to include in the exhibition along with your copy of Gorky's essay if that is still available to us. I have put it in the catalogue list that is going to the printer's next week. Should you wish to have it removed, it is easier to drop it from the galleys than it is to add, as you well know. I will be away the last ten days in July and again from the 10th to the 21st of August, but otherwise I will be here working on the exhibition and catalogue.

You may remember that we planned to recreate the model. The Newark Museum is now in the process of reconstructing it at the scale of 1/2 inch to the foot, which makes the height of the model approximately 6-3/4 inches. As plans now stand, we may be forced to do all of the interior photographs in black and white with the exception of the two rescued panels.

[[left margin note]] Check C/E at MOMA [[/left margin note]]

One puzzling thing about the material I went through at your studio was a press release, a section of which I have enclosed. This brings up the question of whether the panel that was shown at the Newark Museum was the same as the one shown at the Modern.

I will keep telephoning to see if you have returned. I hope that you will be free to have dinner with me one evening this summer.

With best regards,
Ruth Bowman
10701 Wilshire Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 90024 (213) 474-3591

Transcription Notes:
Saul Wenegrat referenced in earlier image