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[1965]  Avion ➞

Vrtbovská zahrada
Вртбовский сад
Vrtbovská Garten
Vrtbovská Garden
Le jardin Vrtbovská

Dear Mother & Dad -   Aus
Flew over here for a few day and am being royally entertained by Anne Herendeen's daughter and her former husband who is a friend of Byron's.
Hope everything is ok at home - we hate to face coming back but know we'll have to soon. If we arrive by the 15th or 20th will that be ok? Can come sooner if we have to. Can you write Arnold Porter in Mendocino to see when they're leaving?
Write or wire me at
Hotel Oxford - 97 Cromwell Rd. London SW7

Foto V. Hnízdo

[[label ½ obscured]] Kčs VE PROSPECH CE [[/label ½ obscured]]
[[postage stamp]] ČESKOSLOVENSKO 1čs [[image]] woman gymnast with batons [[/image]] 1965 III. CELOSTATNI SPARTAKIADA [[/postage stamp]]
[[postage stamp]] ČESKOSLOVENSKO 40h KREMNICA [[image]] building [[/image]] ANTON HOLLY  J.A. ŠVENGSBÍR [[/postage stamp]]

Mr & Mrs Walter Packard
773 Cragmont Ave 