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June 17, 1965

Dear Emmy Lou and Byron:
This is an adaptation of the steamer letter to the jet age. 

You are embarking on a potentially very significant trip. If the conference sticks to issues and to the means of meeting them,- in contrast to calling names and using slogans.- it can [[Crossed-out]] have [[/Crossed-out]] exert a real impact on world affairs, the issues are essentially economic and relate, very basically, to the concept of property rights in the common sources of supply and means of livelihood.

The Industrial Revolution made some form of collective enterprise, ownership, and control manditory. I believe that consumer ownership and consumer-labor control is the economic counterpart ofpolitical democracy in a total democratic social order, as I have said on so many occasions. So long as the capitalist world makes the use of force a necessary means of establish needed reforms, all of the underdeveloped world willgo communist, because the communist are in position to use force against force, but the ultimate social order will be based on a total democratic, constitutional, world government. Total disarmament will be impossible until a democratic, non-capitalist, non-communist, world government is established. 
Your trip is too significant to be curtailed by lack of money. So don't let extra thousan interfere with the attainment of your aims. 
I am very pround of you both and wish you a very pleasant and successful trip. Just don't do anything that I wouldn't do and you will be [[/strikethrough]] a [[/strikethrough]] ll rights/, (Ha, Ha,)
Love [[??]]