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3350 18th Street
San Francisco
CA 94110
Jan. 23, 1973

Dear Ref:
I received your letter and I'll airmail some prints by February 1. But forgive me if I express the concern (resentment is a better term, but I'm being diplomatic) that others as well as I felt at being notified two weeks before we have to mail the prints, when apparently everyone has known for a year that the show would take place. This has been going on for the last thirty years and it's time it stopped.

There are many artists in this region who would like to do critical realist work dealing with problems of the day. But there is no place to show it, no one to buy it, no one to give it anything but hostile publicity if indeed it gets publicity at all. If these artist had known a year ago that a big show such as the one you describe - SATIRE FOR PEACE_- was going to be held, you might have had some powerful canvases or graphics shipped to the show. As it is, you will have whatever anybody happens to have left over from past work.

I'd love to talk to you about politics in general, since there seems to be great confusion and demoralization among the old left here. Why, for instance, didn't the Soviet Consulate invite anyone but rich society and business people to their opening party? No peace workers, no long-time supporters of the USSR, hardly any labor, no leftists......

Well, sorry if this letter seems negative. It's really very hard to remain hopeful and positive today. Alienation is the name of the game.

love to you both -
Emmy Lou
Emmy Lou